Small Changes To Refresh Your Website
Your website is often your first impression on clients and best marketing tool. How often you re-design or update your site will be dependent on the type of site you have. The simpler the site, the less it needs updated. E-commerce sites need updated the most. A while back we wrote about when the best time for a re-design is. Missed it? Read it HERE. If you are not ready for a full re-design, there are a handful small changes you can make to “refresh” your site without committing to a total re-design. Here are a few: Change Images The images on your site can make a huge visual difference. If you feel your site is looking dated, try switching the images to ones that are a but more relevant or updated. Font Same with images, font choices can change the whole look of your site. Font trends come and go, and if you are using a trendy font, it’s best to change this often to follow the trends or make sure it is readable. Update The Copy Has any of the information on your website changed or become irrelevant? This is a good thing to check and update on a regular basis. Add Or Delete Sources, Links + Social Media Accounts Along with the copy on your site, sources, external links and the use of social media accounts can change regularly. Make sure these are up to date on your site. Re-Visit Your SEO As information on your site changes, so should your SEO keywords and phrases. Are you not investing in SEO? Call us today to get started. Fix Broken Links + Images This should be a given, but nothing says “I ignore my website” more than broken links and images. Make sure these are all relevant, up to date and working properly. Ad Features At one time, maybe you did not think it was necessary to have a chatbot, social media links or a contact information page. It’s possible that that has changed with the rise in popularity of being able to connect with clients and potential clients digitally. Also, making sure your site is still mobile friendly is a feature that needs to be checked regularly. If you think it’s time for a website refresh, or overhaul, give us a call or shoot us an email to get started!